Wednesday 23 February 2011

Let's Talk About Sex

Noodle's sex that is :)

Well last time there was a pregnancy "epidemic" at work in 2009, three girls fell pregnant and they all had baby girls. This time there's three of us again and so far we know the other two girls are having boys, which has made the girls come to the conclusion that Noodle is going to be a boy too :) Which I'm quite happy about, I always thought having a baby boy first was good so that he could be a big brother to the following baby (yes, there would be only one more from me after this!).

So we were talking about gender prediction and about all the old wives tales you can use to determine the baby's sex. All the girls at work who have kid say they used the Chinese Lunar Gender Prediction chart and it was accurate for all of them (yes, 100% of twelve women at work!) So we decided to have a look at it tonight and see if it was accurate for baby Noodle.

And the Chinese say we're having a little girl!

Apparently if Noodle does happen to be a boy, his little boy parts can be visible on a scan this week. I don't think I can wait until April 27th to know! Mabe we can get in for a cheeky scan before we fly to CapeTown...


  1. I would question that prediction table...

    Count the pink and blue boxes, and you get to more or less 50%...which is where I put the average of the sex of Noodle...50% chance of being either a boy or a girl...hahahaha...


  2. Well true, there's not much chance of having anything else! xoxo
