Wednesday 26 January 2011

Meet Noodle

Well today we got to meet our precious Noodle!

I had some really bad pains in my tummy on Sunday, so bad I was on the floor crying in pain. I was petrified! All the fears about what happened before came flooding back with a vengeance.

So we called the out-of-hours doctor and managed to get seen an hour later for a check-up. Result: everything was fine, "what happens will happen" was what the nurse so nicely told me. (p.s. not what a girl wants to hear!!) So we go home and I go straight to bed to put my feet up and relax.

Monday morning I get a phone call from my doctor saying she got a referral note from the nurse the night before, letting her know what happened. Doctor T asks me to come in so she can do a full check-up and exam to make sure everything is fine. I should probably mention that I love Dr T, she's fantastic! Very thorough and likes to get to the bottom of things.

So she does her exam, cervix is fully closed, uterus feels the right size for the gestation I'm at, no sign of it being an ectopic pregnancy, blood pressure is normal. All hunky-dory but she decides to send me for an early pregnancy scan just to be sure.

Our scan was this morning. After a nerve-wrecking hours' wait in the hall we finally get called in. I climb up on the bed and she starts to scan. There's nothing there. Panic starts, I can feel the tears about to stream down my face. Nurse says my bladder isn't full enough (eh??! I've just drank 2 litres of water!) so she sends us to sit in the hall again for another 15mins to see if it fills up some more in that time. Six more cups of water consumed to speed up the process. We get called in again. I lie down on the bed and cover my eyes, I don't want to see any empty sack or a baby with no heartbeat. Nurse starts scanning. And scanning. And scanning. And then...

"There's the heartbeat" - I have never felt so much relief wash over me in my life!! I burst into tears and finally managed to tear my hands away from my eyes to see our perfect little Noodle, all cosy and snug. That's the moment I fell completely and utterly head-over-heels for him!

Nurse measured him at 2.5cm which equates to me being 9 weeks and 1 day along today. One day more than we thought. Either the dates are off or Noodle is going to be big....The due dat ethey've given me is August 30th, although it may change at the next scan if they get more measurements.

Either way I'm just so happy that I finally know there's a heartbeat in that little chest!

I asked the midwife after about what could have caused the pain and they said my uterus slants backwards rather than forwards, which means it presses on my intestines. Anything passing along that way is rubbing my uterus, therefore causing pain because it's tender as it grows. In other words I just needed a big dump. Embarrassing to say the least....

As the scan picture is not the best quality (Noodle is tucked as high up as he can possibly get and my womb is tilted away from the scanner) we get another one done at my booking scan in about 3 or 4 weeks! So by then we should be able to make out the nose, hands, feet, etc. Yay! 

I also asked the midwife what the likelihood of me miscarrying between 9 and 12 weeks was. Her answer: less than 5%! I like those odds! And for that reason we told Scott's family tonight about our little bundle of joy and about the wedding in South Africa! :) They are over-the-moon about the new baby and are very happy with our plans to get hitched abroad, even without them there. I really couldn't ask for better in-laws!! I can't wait to be part of the family!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, now you have me in tears as well...thanks...

    It's so good to get to the end of that posting of what started off as worrying news, to get to the good news bits at the end.

    For a start, someone should give the "what happens..." nurse a slap about the head and I'd be glad to do it myself...biatch.

    I'm glad to hear you have a great doctor in Dr T. It sounds like she really likes what she does and, as a result, passes it on to her patients.

    Don't forget that you were a big baby at birth as well...4.04kg (not sure what it is in Imperial pounds), so I think it would not be unrealistic to expect Noodle to be a big baby too (size-wise, not emotionally... :-)

    Lesson learned: eat more roughage...will encourage the body to take more regular dumps...hahaha...

    Look after yourself, babe. In fact, get Scott-in-Law to look after you better, or I'll get on his case... ;-)

    Counting the days...too slowly...xoxo
