Sunday 23 January 2011

Ugh, Just Ugh....

Whoever said pregnancy was easy was having a laugh...

At the moment all I seem to do is sleep, eat a little, work, eat a little, nap, eat a little and sleep again.


I have no energy to do anything else at the minute. I can't even sit on the sofa and watch tv without my eyelids shutting shop for a few hours. Yes, hours. A nap is usually about 2 hours. Normal sleep is anything from 10 hours to 14 depending on if it's my day off or not.

I have no social life, I think some people are starting to cotton on to what's happening. They just haven't said anything to me out of fear that I'll shout at them or burst into tears. My temper is irrational at the best of times, but it's heightened tenfold right now, the slightest thing sets me off. It's really not a good idea to work in retail with emotions all over the place. Customers irritate me with their stupidity right now and I just want to shout at the rude ones.


And where I started eating like a horse before, I can't even look at a full plate without turning green. The amount of food I've wasted in the past week could feed a third world country for a year. I still haven't been sick but nausea is just as bad. I'm too afraid to eat anything in case I actually am sick. I still haven't found anything to combat the nausea. Tried all the old wives tales about lemon juice, ginger cookies and flat cola and nothing seems to be helping. I think a call to the midwife is in order to see if they have anything to stop me feeling queasy all the time. At least then I might be able to feed Noodle something decent.

I hope this passes soon, I hate feeling this rotten.


1 comment:

  1. Hiya probably have already, but speak to other mothers and hear what they did or didn't do, sometimes firsthand experience is the best way to learn what you can handle.

    Sorry to hear you're not feeling well...just think about how many days it is until you come out and that should help a bit. It works, cos it helps me...hahahaha.....xoxoxoxo
