Wednesday 12 January 2011

Miss J

Well I got to meet my midwife (Miss J) yesterday, and she's lovely!

I was so worried that I wouldn't like her and would have to request someone else. After all you have to have a good rapport together or the next 7 months would be hell!

She took a note of my dates but never actually gave me my due-date estimate. I've taken a couple of online due-date calculators and they both said 1st September 2011, won't get that verified until I get my dating scan around week 12.

I have a mountain of rading material from her, including my "Ready, Steady, Baby!" book which is basically my pregnancy bible and details each stage of my pregnancy as well as labour and birth, first days together and all about our growing baby.

I also have my pregnancy record booklet which I have t fill out for when I go into labour. I give this to the midwives when we check into the labour ward. This details all my family medical history, my medical history, my birth plan and also includes any notes the midwives make from each of my scans so that they know if here's been any problems during the pregnancy.

It's quite a lot to get my head around just now and it's finally starting to feel more "real" now that I have all this stuff.

Miss J also said that she miscarried with her first pregnancy so she knows that I'll be quite anxious to know how everything is going on with baby. She has given me her number to get hold of her at the maternity hospital and has said that if I feel too anxious at any point or I have symptoms like last time, I can just give her a call and she'll get me in for an early scan! How sweet!

To be honest I think I'll wait until 12 weeks to get my dating scan, that way we can see a proper baby rather than a little blob on the screen. Plus, ultrasounds aren't exactly safe for baby so I don't want to go getting too many done. Miss J has said that she'll contact me in the next 4-5 weeks with the date for my scan.

1 comment:

  1. I think it'll be nicer to wait for the 12th week as well.... :-) xoxo
