Sunday 2 January 2011

Our Journey Starts Here

Well Santa decided to swing by early and bring the baby stork with him in 2010! I had been having quite strong cramps  since Thursday 16th Dec (CD22) so decided to bite the bullet and take a test two days early on Monday 20th Dec (CD26) ....


I had two days left of that cycle so we were hoping and praying that AF stayed as far away as possible!And it did!

It feels like everything is in limbo right now, I don't actually know whether I should believe what I see or not.

Scott has told me to keep a straight head on, remain optimistic but careful and not get too carried away. But I can't help but feel excited! We've waited three years for this and I feel strongly that this baby is staying with us. 

I am a huge jumble of emotions right now: excitement, elation, nervous, scared, shocked. We actually took a break from using the fertility monitor this month! Thought we'd relax and enjoy the festive season, give ourselves a month off to have fun, we certainly had fun! And it's paid off....

I know our little angel baby is looking down on this one and protecting us, making sure we're healthy and happy. Thank you Jellybean!


  1. "...we certainly had fun..." too much information... :-)

    What does "BFP" mean, also the "1-2" on the test stick?

  2. Haha, I didn't mean it that way!

    BFP = big fat positive

    1-2 = how many weeks the test said I was pregnant. 1-2 on the test is 3-4 weeks by doctor's estimate. That was 3 weeks ago so I'm 6 weeks tomorrow :0)

  3. Kewl...and all still going well?

    Just about to post an entry on my own blog...

