Tuesday 8 February 2011

Bouncing Baby

So we've had a rough couple of days. I had some bleeding Saturday night and some spotting everyday since. This made for much panic and hysteria between myself and Scott, but we called NHS24 and they advised us to call the doctor to get us in for a scan.

I was so nervous this morning getting ready to go to the hospital, we were both thinking the worst for the situation. We had a good cry between ourselves and then we set out.

We had quite a wait in the waiting room today, they must have been short staffed, so they waiting made me extra anxious. So, anxiousness + belly full of water = me vomiting in the waiting area :-S with everyone watching. Really not a pretty sight. The midwives were really nice about it and let us sit in a private area until our scan.

And then we got to see the most wonderful sight:

Our baby Noodle! Sitting quite cosy all curled up :-) I cannot tell you the relief we both felt when the nurse told us everything was alright, the heartbeat was strong again. Nurse tried to get Noodle to stretch out a bit so she could measure him properly but he was quite stubborn to her persuasions. So nurse had me bounce on the bed a couple of times and after a brief pause, Noodle did the exact same! It was absolutely amazing to see our little baby bouncing around and stretching out! And then to stun us even more, he turned his little head to look at us and smiled!! We actually saw him smile!! Nurse took that moment to get his photo so we have a permanent reminder of baby's first smile!

We're both relieved that everything is fine inside the uterus, there's no sign of any reason why I should be bleeding but the midwife told us sometimes it just happens. Some women have it all through their pregnancy and sometimes it stops just as quck as it started.

Let's just keep our fingers crossed it stops soon, it's petrifying! I wish I had a little window on the front of my belly to see everythng is ok inside...


  1. {big grin}....

    Ok, so where's the smiling photo?

    Just take care of yourself, no strain or heavy exertion....xoxo

  2. That is the smiling photo, you can see Noodle grinning at us :)

    I'm on bedrest orders for the rest of the week, so no worries about me over exerting myself. Daytime tv is mind-numbing ...

