Monday 13 June 2011

Luke Comes Home!

Whilst on holiday in April I got a very big shock from a friend. She'd sent me this message on

"Hey, here's a wedding present for you, I had my baby boy at 7am this morning. Love you"

Short, sweet and to the point but also a huge shock! I started panicking as she never said if he was alright. Luckily Dad let me phone her to check all was ok. She told us her waters had gone on the Saturday night, she never realised what it was, she only thought she'd had an accident. Through the night she had really bad tummy pains and called the midwife who told her to come into the hospital on Monday morning to get checked up.

The pains eventually stopped/got less painful and she managed to get her check-up on Monday. All was ok, her cervix was still closed, she wasn't in labour. By Monday evening the pains started again so she called the midwife who told her to take some paracetamol for the pain as it was probably Braxton Hicks. This continued all the way to late Tuesday evening when the pain became so bad that paracetamol wasn't even working. Another call to the midwife who said to take some more paracetamol and have a hot bath. Once she tried that and it never helped she called them back again and was told to wait until 7.30am to come in and get a check-up again. Luckily her sister was staying with her and wasnt comfortable seeing K in such distress so she drove her to the hospital straight away.

Another check-up and the midwife says her cervix is still closed and she's definately not in labour. Then they strapped a monitor to her belly and realised she was having contractions. When K told them she had the urge to push they got her onto the bed and her little boy Luke was born at 7.01am Wednesday 13th April weighing only 2lb 9ounces. He was 12 weeks early.


Luke then had to stay in the Neo-Natal Intensive Care Unit as his lungs weren't strong enough to cope with breathing by himself, nor could he feed normally. He was put on a monitor to record his pulse, an oxygen tube to help him breathe and a food tube was inserted into his tummy to feed him.

Over the past 8 weeks theis little fighter has come on leaps and bounds and K finally got him home on Saturday! He's feeding normally from a bottle and no longer needs oxygen to help him breathe. He's also put on a lot of weight and is now 6lb 4ounces of terribly cute baby chubb!

So I'm off to go see him today and get my very first cuddle off him!

1 comment:

  1. Wow...what a big difference in him. Glad to hear he's okay and now at home...tell them congrats from Cape Town too... :-) xoxo
