Monday 3 January 2011

Preggo Symptoms (Or Lack There-Of)

Two of the girls I work with are also pregnant and today we were having a quiet chat about the pregnancy niggles and symptoms we've been having. I say quiet because we're all under 12 weeks, we're keeping schtum about our babies until our scans. In fact one of them is due the same day as me! :D At least I'll have some baby buddies when Noodle is here!

Anyway the girls were having a chat about how they're feeling really tired all the time and constantly running to the loo for a pee or how they can't stand the smell of perfumes or certain foods and they're having heartburn plus many other weird and wonderful things. To be honest I sat there feeling a little out-of-the-loop. I don't have these symptoms.

Apart from the CONSTANT need to pee and a slight crampy feeling (which I'm assured is normal and just muscles stretching) there's no heartburn, morning/noon/night sickness, no aversion to certain foods (in fact it's quite the opposite, I have the appetite of a horse!), I can still wear my lovely perfume I got for Christmas and I'm actually quite perky most of the time.

I have the occasional mood swing, but c'mon what woman doesn't?? I have been slightly more irritable about small niggling things, like Scott munching mint imperials in bed!! Grr! I hate crunching when I'm trying to sleep!

And there's been a little bit of back pain, but nothing so serious I would put it down as being a pregnancy symptom, I just figure it's down to me being on my feet all day.

I suppose I should be lucky I'm not one of the women who get barraged with every symptom going and ends up being bed-ridden for most of their pregnancy. But it would be nice to "feel" pregnant. Even a little bit of morning sickness or heartburn would assure me that our little Noodle is actually there and growing.

I have been told by many people that every pregnancy is different and not everyone gets symptoms, one friend didn't have any during her first pregnancy and she had a beautiful healthy girl. So I am confident everything is okay, but it would be nice to feel something....

1 comment:

  1. You most certainly are feeling something.

    You are feeling all the happiness that you deserve, which will be a lot more positive influence on the Noodle than morning sickness and heartburn ever will be.

    I'm happy for the pair of you in your pregnancy and look forward to showing off "grand-bump" to the friends and family when you're out on holiday...

    Semper Amor.
