Tuesday 15 February 2011

Chicken Soup For The Win!

Well we seem to have found a solution to my not being able to eat solid foods right now - blend it! The best thing I have managed to keep down so far is chicken soup, man that stuff cures everything!! So I may start trying more liquid-type foods to get some energy back. Maybe some yoghurts, other soups, etc.

Noodle also seems to like cold things. We went for a scan yesterday to make sure baby was doing alright, what with me not getting any food I was starting to panic that it was affecting Noodle. The nurse in the waiting room gave me an orange flavoured ice pole while I was waiting for my scan because I'd been sick shortly before. She said she swears by them for morning sickness as they somehow "trick" your tummy into believing it's something more solid, and you can get more liquid into your body that way too, rather than "sipping" on water - YUK!

So we went in for our scan and Noodle would just not stop moving at all! The nurse doing our scan put it down to the cold ice lolly :)

Noodle has his/her back to us in this one. You can see his/her tiny bum on the left and the head is turned to the side. Nurse also said what looks like a tongue sticking out is actually Noodle blowing bubbles! Noodle would not sit long enough for nurse to get a better picture as he/she was having a boogie about the place and bouncing around :)

So it would seem we have a rather content baby! Just a pity about mum not feeling so good....


  1. Woohoo...chicken soup for three points and the win! {crowd goes wild}... :-)

    Everything still okay since the discovery? What else have you tried to puree...macaroni and cheese, haggis and black pudding and chips, tea and biscuits? xoxoxo

  2. Everything is dandy since the discovery :) Found out today that yoghurt is stayng down as is tomato soup.

    I made lasagne for dinner last night and managed a couple bites of mince and all the pasta in my portion so it looks as though I may be able to handle solids/carbs in the evenings and just liquids during the day. Mac & cheese tomorrow though! :D

